Sunday, June 28, 2015

Hike 13: Capital Crescent Trail

I was originally planning to bike this trail, but when a friend asked if I wanted to go on a hike with her, I had a brilliant idea to hike from Bethesda to Georgetown, have lunch down there, wander around and shop, and generally make a day of it!  Of course the day we planned was one of the hottest days of the year - mid 90s and humid.  I woke up kind of icky, but I figured I was just hungry so I had some breakfast and we met up with Caitlin.  A few texts back and forth to figure out where on the trail we were meeting, but we got started with no problems.  Lots of chit chat about work and such and we made it to the Daelcarlia Tunnel, "built in 1910 to carry the railroad line under both Conduit Road (now MacArthur Blvd) and the pipes carrying river water to Dalecarlia Reservoir."

I was starting to slow down a bit, but I figured it was just hot, so I kept drinking my water, but it wasn't helping.  We made it to a refurbished ex-railroad bridge right after leaving Montgomery County, and I had to take a break and sit on an electric box or something.  Caitlin did some research on where we were and Chris went down to Fletcher's boathouse to check out the facilities there.  Caitlin went up a small trail to see if it led back to a main road where we could hop off and go home.  I thought I was doing better until I threw up behind the electrical box.  :(  After that, I figured it wouldn't be a good idea to soldier on, so when Chris came back from the boathouse, we went up the little trail back onto Arizona Ave.  Caitlin and I got drinks at a Starbucks and she started calling cab companies.  Chris, who was feeling totally fine, ran up Wisconsin Ave to meet us at Tenleytown Metro.  Of course, he beat us there!  That was pretty much the end of that hike.  It was sort of pathetic...

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