Sunday, June 7, 2015

Hike 7: Brookland

After a few years doing other things, we're back!  I am on a Kilimanjaro training mission, and will be spending a few days a week hiking again.  I meant to do more in the spring, but it's tough finding the time!  This hike was a special treat for me - I played hooky from school on a beautiful spring morning and met up with an old friend from college afterwards.

The first stop, conveniently located by a parking lot, was the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.  It's a long name, but a beautiful building!  Apparently, it's the world's eighth largest church.  Who knew?  Right in the middle of DC!

I spent some time wandering around inside (it's a bit intimidating, but everyone is very welcoming), and then, of course, got lost headed in the wrong direction from the map.  Interestingly, I found Trinity University, which several of our students attend.

Eventually, I wound my way back around and headed up to Rock Creek Cemetery, passing a couple interesting sites along the way, including the Saint John Paul II Memorial Shrine and the Washington Retreat House.

According to the book, this is the city's oldest burial ground (1719).  I didn't actually enter the cemetery, but it had some very interesting gravestones and monuments that you could see from the surrounding fence.  After the Rock Creek Cemetery, you can also see the U.S. Soldiers' Home National Cemetery, which dates from 1861 as a burial ground for Civil War soldiers.

Last stop on the "official" hike was Brookland Metro, which I took into Union Station to meet up with my friend.  I actually got there a little early, so I made a quick stop into the U.S. Postal Museum, which I'd never been to before.  I learned all about Owney, the postal mascot!

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