Tuesday, June 12, 2012

60 Hikes Within 60 Miles

Everyone keeps asking me what my plans are for the summer.  I have a couple things planned (friend's wedding - yay!, planning for AP Bio, NASA moon workshop), but I also have a lot of free time, which is a bit unusual for me.  So I decided to go hiking!  (My mom is shaking her head in disbelief right now.  She can't imagine why someone she raised would want to spend time in a non-climate controlled environment.)  :)  I bought this book, "60 Hikes Within 60 Miles" for the Washington, DC area for when people came to visit and wanted to see something besides the National Mall, but I haven't used it much.  I'm going to try to do all of them!

1 comment:

  1. Leslie, this is great! What an endeavor. We wish we lived closer so we could do some of them with you. We hope to see lots of pictures and hear (or read) details of your adventures. Have fun!
    Love, Brian and Emily
