Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hikes 2 and 4: Columbia and Roosevelt Islands

Columbia Island and Roosevelt Island sit between DC and Virginia with the Potomac River on the east and the man-made Boundary Channel on the west. There's actually a lot of political history surrounding Columbia Island, specifically whether it belongs to DC or VA.  Eventually, DC got Columbia Island and VA got the land where Reagan National Airport was developed. 

I was accompanied on this hike by my friend Manana, and her son, Stevie.  We had a great time even though it rained on us (although sometimes that just adds to the adventure).  I'd never been to either of these islands before and they're not that hard to get to, except you do have to approach the parking lot from GW Parkway north, which takes a little maneuvering through the outer edges of the city.

As is usual when I'm hiking, we started out going the wrong way cuz I wasn't paying attention to where the bridge to the Theodore Roosevelt Island was, but we discovered a very nice section of the Potomac Trail and had a nice view of Key Bridge and Georgetown across the river.

Once we actually crossed the little footbridge to the island, we checked out the memorial to Theodore Roosevelt and walked around the loop.  It's not the most exciting place, but it's probably a nice stop for people who have done the usual tourist stuff.

We followed the Mt. Vernon Trail south and Stevie spotted something that made the entire hike worth it...

They were SO CUTE!!!  Their mom was lying in a space a few hundred feet further.  We were speculating on whether she was hurt or just complacent cuz she was pretty much in the same spot on our return trip too.

We didn't go around the entire loop described in the book cuz honestly, this is not the most pedestrian friendly hike and we had a seven year old with us.  You have to cross GW Parkway in some very busy spots and the trail itself doesn't actually loop so if you want to follow the book's instructions, you have to walk around some highly traveled roadways.

And it rained.  It was a nice little summer shower which got us completely soaked, but, being a summer rain, we also dried off pretty quickly.  We made it to the Arlington Memorial Bridge, saw an interesting monument across the way that I can't identify, and headed back to the car.

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