Friday, June 29, 2012

Hike 14: Black Hill Regional Park

I was at an AP Bio workshop this week, so I couldn't go on any new hikes, but this hike is literally in our backyard!  You can see the trail from our kitchen window and we've been on it a bunch of times.  Since it was 104 degrees in DC today, here's a blast from the past to cool you off...

There's the trail, buried under three feet of snow!  We've walked it, run it, and biked it.  It's a very loopy trail that follows the fingers of Little Seneca Lake, which was created when they put a dam in Little Seneca Creek 40 years ago.  I tend to get lost when straying off the main trail, but it's a very scenic and easy to traverse path.  We see all manner of animals when we hike on it, mostly geese and turtles, but also some nice egret-type birds and small mammals...and fish! 

We discovered the Visitor Center on one of our bike rides down the trail and you can rent boats and they have a great nature center with a pretty butterfly garden.  Did some fun geocaching along the trail too!


  1. I'm going to try this hike again -- last time I got lost and wandered around for an hour! Is there a map?

  2. Yup, we have one from the website, but it's still a little confusing if you only look at the trails on the map because it doesn't show you all the little trails that lead into townhouse developments and stuff. Chris figures out where he is based on where the lake is. When we went biking, it was a little tricky cuz some of the trails are less wheel friendly. We passed by a family with two kids on unicycles and they were WAY braver than I was!
