Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hike 18: Lake Artemesia

This was a lovely little hike around a lake in Greenbelt.  (Not sure what the black smoke is...something was burning...)  It's a lot like the hike around the little lake behind our house in Germantown.  Totally paved, 2.5 mile loop - lots of joggers, fishers, and bird watchers and cute little places to sit and enjoy nature.  The chorus of cicadas was pervasive and the Metro passing by every couple minutes was fun - I can totally see kids loving it! 

There are two places you can connect to longer trails - Paint Branch Trail, which goes further north in PG county, and the Northeast Branch, which leads south toward DC, eventually meeting the Northwest Branch, where they merge into the Anacostia.  All in all, it was a very nice hike and I'd definitely go again.

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