Monday, July 9, 2012

Hike 15: Billy Goat Trail and Great Falls

I've been in Colorado the last week, so I haven't been on any new hikes, but Billy Goat Trail is definitely one of my favorites!  The Billy Goat Trail is connected to the C&O Canal Towpath, but the easy gravel pathway along the towpath is not at all indicative of the rocky climbs along the Billy Goat Trail. 

The BGT has three sections (A, B, and C) and A is the hardest, but it's also the most fun and has awesome views of the Potomac River. 

You can't bring dogs onto Section A, though, so the first time I hiked it, we only did Section B and C.

As you can see from the next picture, Section A is a bit more challenging...

...but never boring!


  1. Isn't this the one I did? It certainly was challenging. But the views were outstanding!

  2. Yup! That's you in the blue shirt in the last picture. :)

    1. Thought so -- I'm impressed that I could still do something like that.

  3. I hope you had a GREAT time in Colorado!!!:-)

  4. Ooops! That was by me Amanda:-)
