Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hike 19: Greenbelt Park

Greenbelt Park is a nice little camping area in PG County with about 8 miles of hiking loops.  It's a nicely wooded trail with a few joggers (hard to do on such uneven ground!) and lots of dog walkers. 

It's very easy to get to and the trail is easy to follow.  I say this with the caveat that I did get a little bit lost even with a map, but that's just cuz I'm directionally deficient.  :)  All I did was end up on a dead end trail and had to turn back to the loop part.  There was a LOT of derecho damage to look at.  Trees were just ripped in half and there was all sorts of debris lying on the ground. 

It was super humid the day I hiked, so I shortened the loop quite a bit.  The only real downside to this hike is that it's pretty far away from my house.  It's just as easy for me to get the same feel hiking around the Germantown lake.

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